Sunday, May 03, 2009


We started a real compost pile last fall. By "real" I mean an actual pile. I have always composted, but did it in the "sheet composting" method. I just always put my coffee grounds, crushed eggshells, and veggie scraps here and there in the garden both under mulch or just straight on the ground. Within days, when the weather is warm, the scraps would be digested by earthworms, microbes, and other "critters." But now we have a real pile in a designated area. This morning I went out and tried turning the compost to help it break down faster. My husband had added some shredded leaves and grass clippings on top in the last couple of days. When I began turning it, (not too successfully with a shovel, a pitchfork is better!), steam began rising from it! Our compost pile is now officially hot! This is good in a couple of ways. First, it kills any weed seeds and second, it helps it decompose faster, so one can use it in the garden sooner. The pile should be ready to distribute in the garden soon, the best source of fertilizer and soil conditioner to be had.

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